
Taiwan: July 24, 2016


When I started the day on Sunday I knew it was going to be a really wonderful day because I was going to get to see my friend Bruce. Bruce was Josh's roommate last semester and I saw him almost every day! I had tried to connect with Bruce the weekend before when we traveled to Taichung because that's where he lives but he missed my calls and finally got in touch with me as I was leaving on the bus! But we made plans to meet the next weekend, to hopefully go to church with each other and then find something to do for the day.

On Sunday, Bruce drove himself and his girlfriend, Julieann for two hours just to come see me! We were supposed to meet at church but Bruce got lost and didn't make it until the last few minutes, in his defense I wasn't sure where to tell him to go and the church didn't have an address online so he was kind of left to just find his own way! After church we went to lunch with my friend Alice and she took us to a restaurant she knew nearby. Then we met up with my friend from business camp, Raquel, and Bruce drove us (Raquel, me, Alice, himself, and Julieann) all the way to Taipei so that we could save time by not riding the train or the MRT once we were in the city.

So after church I had run back to the dorm really fast to change out my dress, I wasn't sure what we were going to do that day but an intelligent person probably would not have worn FLIP FLOPS! That day we climbed a mountain. And no joke, I did it in flip flops. Now to be fair hiking on this mountain was not like what hiking is like in the US, at least on this mountain it wasn't a rocky path forged in the trees but instead 40 flights of stairs...it was nuts and I definitely got my workout that day! The views from the top were beautiful though and I'm glad that I made it all the way!

The mountain we climbed was called Elephant or Xiangshan Mountain so of course I had to get a picture of the elephant details and in the background is the tallest building in Taiwan, Taipei 101. Here is a picture of me, Bruce, and Julieann!

After climbing the mountain we went to find some food to eat and Bruce and I talked a lot about Josh which mad us both miss him very much! I've told many of my Taiwanese friends this but I plan to return to Taiwan with my soon to be husband and take him all over the country and to meet the people I have met while here!  

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