
Taiwan: July 26, 2016


On Tuesday we had a regular class scheduled day and then I had my own plans that evening to meet up with some friends from Pitt State, Jenny and Laura. Laura was the first close Taiwanese friend that I had and she was even there the first time I met Josh! I left with some friends who were on their way to see the top of Taipei and Laura met me on the train, surprised me actually. When we got to Taipei Laura and I waited for Jenny to meet us in Taipei Main Station for dinner. Jenny arrived a few minutes later and she was very cute in her work clothes. We ate dinner and chatted for a while about the wedding, work and if Josh and I will have babies soon (the answer is maybe in a few years). We had a lot of fun just talking and catching up. Jenny kept saying "wow" because she couldn't believe Josh and I are getting married so soon!

I love these girls so much! So glad I got to meet up with them in Taiwan! :) 

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