
Taiwan: July 22, 2016


On Friday, we had our first lecture with Dr. Chin, the professor from CYCU who organizes the business camp. The topic he covered was an introduction of Taiwan's history, trade, and relations with China.

There are so many great things about this program, one of which being that there are students here from China as well. If you don't know much about Taiwan you might not know that there are conflicting opinions regarding who should be in control of China: China or Taiwan. Taiwan's official name is The Republic of China, while China's official name is The People's Republic of China. These names are historically significant. This article I read sums up a lot of what we talked about in class: http://www.cfr.org/china/china-taiwan-relations/p9223, I thought it was pretty accurate to what we talked about in class!

It was a pretty heated discussion at times between the students from Taiwan and China but there were some enlightening comments made by some students that helped to calm the waters a bit. In my opinion, I think the US made a monetary choice when we chose to support the PRC. We chose to support a country that has become a force to be reckoned with, for us and the rest of the world. I love the Chinese people and it saddens me that my country chose to support a government that restricts its people the way that the PRC does. I wish that the leaders before my time had chosen differently, however, I do think that at the time we were looking at two evils; communism and a military government. We chose what we thought was best and now hindsight is 20/20.

After our class, we ate lunch and then met back at campus to go to our field trip. For this field trip, we went to visit a manufacturing plant that produces high-quality fiber textiles. The company is called Libolon and is one of the largest producers of synthetic textiles in the world. We got to tour the plant and see how a fully automatic production system works. Here is a video that will show you a little bit of what I saw while I was there!

After the factory tour we went to Yong-An Fish Harbor and I got my first view of the ocean from ground level!! There was a really cool bridge and I bought some ice cream because it was pretty hot outside! I love my friends here! Enjoy our pictures! 

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